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Child Arrangement Order compliance during lockdown

Self isolation is impacting my ability to comply with a Family Court Child Arrangement Order, what should I do? A Child Arrangement Order decides where your child lives, when your child spends time with each parent and what form of contact takes place between parents and children, for example, telephone...
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When home isn’t a safe place

A blog kindly written by our Lauren Richards regarding the impact of COVID-19 on those suffering from domestic abuse. For many the announcement by Boris Johnson on 23 March, that the U.K would be entering into ‘lockdown’ was met with a sigh of relief. Relief that they would be able...
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Lock down crime fall

Police forces across England and Wales are reporting that violent crime has fallen by up to 40% as the coronavirus quarantine reduces the number of people out on the streets. Police forces are reporting falls in overall crime rates of between 8% and 30%, however street crime and burglaries have...
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Early release of prisoners

Risk-assessed prisoners who are within two months of their release date will be released from jail, as part of the national plan to protect the NHS. This action is said to be necessary to avoid thousands of prisoners becoming infected, overwhelming local NHS services. Prisoners who pass the criteria for...
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COVID-19 Commercial Lease Implications

How does COVID-19 affect my commercial lease? COVID-19 has already impacted various companies and businesses. Commercial Landlords and Tenants are no different especially as cinemas, theatres, bars, pubs, restaurants, and clubs have been required to close. During this testing time both commercial Landlords and Tenants will want to know what...
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