Junior lawyer summer soiree

Our Junior Lawyers pictured above (Ramnish Sharma, Nikita Middleton, Rhianna Hubbard, April Laughton, Molly Slatcher, Anthony Chan) attended a Summer Soiree, which was hosted by Nottinghamshire Junior Lawyers Division (‘NJLD’). The NJLD hold various events throughout the year, which provides and promotes support and social aspects to young lawyers in the local and surrounding areas.
The Summer Soiree was held at the Goosedale in Nottingham, with many law firms attending. The Summer Soiree consisted of a BBQ buffet, drinks and dancing. The event gave our juniors the chance to spend time together outside of a working environment. It also gave them the chance to meet other likeminded people in the legal profession and an opportunity to build relationships in the local region.
Here at Mander Cruickshank we encourage our junior lawyers to attend such events and continually support our staff in their development and training, which will stand them in good stead for the future.
The event was a great success and our juniors thoroughly enjoyed their evening and look forward to attending future events.