Coalville law experts urge homebuyers to make solicitors first point of call
UNREALISTIC expectations leading to stress could be averted if would-be homebuyers made their local solicitors the first point of call in their search.
Jim Abbott, a senior partner at QualitySolicitors Mander Cruickshank said a face to face talk with a local solicitor is an important step to everyone in the process, especially those new to property purchasing.
He said: “It is well-known that along with death and divorce, house moving is one of the most stressful situations an individual can find themselves in. However, in the main this is because of unrealistic expectations about what they are about to encounter.”
Mr Abbott, whose firm is one of the oldest in the town, dating back to 1923, added: “In many ways in property purchasing the solicitor is the person who ties all the strands together involving all the parties and we can tell them what they can expect throughout the process. Unfortunately on some occasions they are told by other parties involved what they want to hear which mistakenly leads them to believing their move can go through quicker than it really can. This adds to a great amount of stress and frustration.”
As part of their service QualitySolictors Mander Cruickshank gives all would-be clients a free 30 minute consultation to outline the process.
Mr Abbott added: “In this consultation property sellers and buyers will be armed with important information about what happens and timescales, which will help them greatly for the road ahead. We help them learn about exactly what happens right from the mortgage application at the outset right to completion. Armed with this knowledge the client can handle better the pressure surrounding what is likely to be the biggest financial purchase in their life.”
“We urge those thinking of moving to make sure they have this kind of chat as it will give them extra clarity on some very important decisions.”
More details and a free consultation with QualitySolicitors Mander Cruickshank can be obtained by calling 01530 510 666.
Any queries call Nolan PR on 01564 822861/ 07505 133302